Internet and Web related acronyms with descriptors
- 3G – 3rd generation of cellular data;
- 4G – 4rd generation of cellular data;
- AI - Adobe Illustrator (file format);
- AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML;
- ASP - Active Server Pages or Application Service Provider;
- AUP - Acceptable Use Policy;
- BCC - Blind Carbon Copy;
- CC – Carbon Copy;
- CDN - Content Delivery Network;
- CIFS - Common Internet File System;
- CMS - Content Management System;
- CPA - Cost Per Action;
- CPC - Cost Per Click;
- CPL - Cost Per Lead;
- CPM - Cost Per 1,000 Impressions;
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management;
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets;
- CTR - Click-Through Rate;
- DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol;
- DHTML (old) - Dynamic HTML;
- DOM - Document Object Model;
- DNS - Domain Name System;
- ECMAScript - European Computer Manufacturers Association;
- EDI - Electronic Data Interchange;
- FiOS - Fiber Optic Service;
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol;
- HSL - Hue Saturation Lightness;
- HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language;
- HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol;
- HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured;
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (file format);
- ICANN - Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers;
- ICF - Internet Connection Firewall;
- ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol;
- ICQ – “I Seek You”;
- ICS - Internet Connection Sharing;
- ICT - Information and Communication Technologies;
- IIS - Internet Information Services;
- IM – Instant Message;
- InterNIC - Internet Network Information Center;
- IP - Internet Protocol;
- IPv4 - Internet Protocol – 32 bit format;
- IPv6 - Internet Protocol – 128 bit format;
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat;
- iSCSI - Internet Small Computer Systems Interface;
- ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network;
- ISO - International Organization for Standards;
- ISP - Internet Service Provider;
- JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (file format);
- JS – JavaScript;
- JSF - JavaServer Faces;
- JSP - JavaServer Page;
- LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (common server configuration);
- LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol;
- NAT - Network Address Translation;
- NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol;
- NOC - Network Operations Center;
- NSP - Network Service Provider;
- OOP - Object Oriented Programming;
- OSPF - Open Shortest Path First;
- P2P – Peer-To-Peer (communication);
- PIM - Personal Information Manager;
- PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor;
- PNG - Portable Networks Graphics (file format);
- PON - Passive Optical Network;
- POP3 - Post Office Protocol;
- PPC - Pay Per Click;
- PPL - Pay Per Lead;
- PPP - Point to Point Protocol;
- PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet;
- PPS - Pay Per Sale;
- PPTP - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol;
- PSD - Photoshop Document (file format);
- RADCAB – Relevancy-Appropriateness-Detail-Currency-Authority-Bias;
- RDF - Resource Description Framework;
- RGB - Red Green Blue;
- RoR - Ruby on Rails;
- RPM - Revenue Per 1,000 Impressions;
- RSS - Really Simple Syndication or RDF Site Summary;
- SaaS - Software as a Service;
- SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line;
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization;
- SERP - Search Engine Results Page;
- SIP - Session Initiation Protocol;
- SMM - Social Media Marketing;
- SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol;
- SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol;
- SQL - Structured Query Language;
- SSH - Secure Shell;
- SSL - Secure Sockets Layer;
- T1 – digital data transfer at 1.544 megabits per second;
- T3 – digital data transfer at 44.736 megabits per second;
- TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol;
- TTL - Time To Live (in Internet world);
- UDP - User Datagram Protocol;
- UGC - User Generated Content;
- UI - User Interface;
- UX - User Experience;
- URI - Uniform Resource Identifier;
- URL - Uniform Resource Locator (or Universal Resource Locator);
- URN - Uniform Resource Name;
- VCI - Virtual Channel Identifier;
- VDSL - Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line;
- VoIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol;
- VPI - Virtual Path Identifier;
- VPN - Virtual Private Network;
- XHTML - eXtensible HyperText Markup Language;
- XML - eXtensible Markup Language;
- XSS - Cross Site Scripting;
- W3C - World Wide Web Consortium;
- WAIS - Wide Area Information Server;
- WAMP - Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP;
- WAN - Wide Area Network;
- WHOIS - Internet service for domain names or IP addresses info;
- WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get;
- WWW - World Wide Web;
- WINS - Windows Internet Name Service.
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