- Content styling with * and types selectors
- Descendant and child selectors
- Sibling selectors
- Attribute based selectors
- Selection by class and id attributes
- Pseudo elements as selectors
- Pseudo classes as selectors
- Inheritance
- Selectors imported from another sheet
- Cascade and specificity example
Media types:
- Media types screen, print and handheld
- Print media example
- Page box example
- Basic page-break example
Box model:
- Typical box model example applied to body element
- Margin properties
- Different borders
- Padding properties
Visual formatting:
- Basic containing block with relatively and absolutely positioned child elements
- Display property basic example
- Fixed and relative positions example
- Elements in normal flow (relative position)
- Float and clear properties
- Fixed and absolute position in respect with the normal flow
- Z-index and attacking order example
- The element's width
- The element's height
- Line height and vertical alignment
Visual effects:
Background styling:
- Basic background color
- Background image property
- Background repeating
- Background attachment property
- Background position
- Background color made of basic CSS colors
- Background color as RGB and HEX
- Background set with background property
Fonts styling:
- Variety of font families
- Generic font families
- Font style property
- Font variant property
- Font weight property
- Font size property
- Basic font styling and foreground color
- Shorthanded font property versus regular syntax
- Font set with font property, including system fonts
Text styling:
- Text indentation
- Text alignment
- Text decoration
- Letter and word spacing
- Text transformation to uppercase or lowercase
- Foreground (text) color property
- White space property
- Text direction and bidirectionality
- Basic tables styling
- Fixed layout for tables
- Table's height and vertical alignment
- Table borders and border collapsing
Generated content:
- Content property with pseudo elements ':before' and ':after'
- Content property with 'attribute' selector
- Quotes property with pseudo elements
- List default types and image types
- List indentation (list-style-position) property
- Nested lists
- Automatic counters and numbering (counter properties)
User interface:
Aural style sheets:
- Volume property
- Speak property
- Pause properties
- Cue properties
- Mixing properties
- Spatial properties
- Voice characteristic properties
- Speech properties
- Audio tables
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