Colors in the CSS (and web generally) are divided into basic colors, web safe colors and the rest. By the name basic color we refer to the 16 colors that might be declared by using their names. The rest of the colors, including the so called "web safe" colors must be evoked through RGB (red, green, blue) / HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) representation or via their hexadecimal specification. The web safe colors used to be those colors that any browser will be able to render (255 of them). Since modern tools (user agents, screens...) are easily rendering pretty much any color put in front of them there is no need for paying special attention to them any more.
Below, there are the lists of the basic colors and shades of gray.
black | #000000 | rgb(0,0,0) | |
silver | #c0c0c0 | rgb(192,192,192) | |
gray | #808080 | rgb(128,128,128) | |
white | #ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) | |
maroon | #800000 | rgb(128,0,0) | |
red | #ff0000 | rgb(255,0,0) | |
purple | #800080 | rgb(128,0,128) | |
fuchsia | #ff00ff | rgb(255,0,255) | |
green | #008000 | rgb(0,128,0) | |
lime | #00ff00 | rgb(0,255,0) | |
olive | #808000 | rgb(128,128,0) | |
yellow | #ffff00 | rgb(255,255,0) | |
navy | #000080 | rgb(0,0,128) | |
blue | #0000ff | rgb(0,0,255) | |
teal | #008080 | rgb(0,128,128) | |
aqua | #00ffff | rgb(0,255,255) |
#000000 | rgb(0,0,0) | |
#080808 | rgb(8,8,8) | |
#101010 | rgb(16,16,16) | |
#181818 | rgb(24,24,24) | |
#202020 | rgb(32,32,32) | |
#282828 | rgb(40,40,40) | |
#303030 | rgb(48,48,48) | |
#383838 | rgb(56,56,56) | |
#404040 | rgb(64,64,64) | |
#484848 | rgb(72,72,72) | |
#505050 | rgb(80,80,80) | |
#585858 | rgb(88,88,88) | |
#606060 | rgb(96,96,96) | |
#686868 | rgb(104,104,104) | |
#707070 | rgb(112,112,112) | |
#787878 | rgb(120,120,120) | |
#808080 | rgb(128,128,128) | |
#888888 | rgb(136,136,136) | |
#909090 | rgb(144,144,144) | |
#989898 | rgb(152,152,152) | |
#a0a0a0 | rgb(160,160,160) | |
#a8a8a8 | rgb(168,168,168) | |
#b0b0b0 | rgb(176,176,176) | |
#b8b8b8 | rgb(184,184,184) | |
#c0c0c0 | rgb(192,192,192) | |
#c8c8c8 | rgb(200,200,200) | |
#d0d0d0 | rgb(208,208,208) | |
#d8d8d8 | rgb(216,216,216) | |
#e0e0e0 | rgb(224,224,224) | |
#e8e8e8 | rgb(232,232,232) | |
#f0f0f0 | rgb(240,240,240) | |
#f8f8f8 | rgb(248,248,248) | |
#ffffff | rgb(255,255,255) |
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