The CSS selectors may combine in many different ways in a formation of declarations. The rules for forming a CSS selector are given in the table below.
Have in mind that in practice those rules may interchange and work with one another in almost any combination imaginable.
'*' | selects all elements | * |
'element' | selects given element | div |
'element', 'element' | selects all given elements separated by comma | div, p, h1 |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
'element (1)' 'element (2)' | selects all given descendant elements (2) inside given ancestor element (1) | div p |
'element (1)' > 'element (2)' | selects all given children elements (2) of given parent element (1) | div > p |
'element (1)' > 'element (2)' 'element (3)' | selects all given descendant elements (3) inside given ancestor element (2) from given parent element (1) | div > p * |
'element (1)' 'element (2)' > 'element (3)' | selects all given children elements (3) of parent element (2) inside given ancestor element (1) | div p > span |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
'element (1)' + 'element (2)' | selects all next sibling elements (2) that appear after previous sibling element s (1) | p + p |
'element (1)' + 'element (2)' + 'element (3)' | selects all next sibling elements (3) that appear after previous sibling elements (2) that appears after another previous sibling elements (1) | ul + li + a |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
'[attribute]' | selects all elements with given attribute | [title] |
'[attribute=value]' | selects all elements with given attribute that has assigned given value | [target=_blank] |
'[attribute~= chars]' | selects all elements with given attribute whose given value contains letters "chars" in it | [rel=link] |
'[attribute|=suff]' | selects all elements with given attribute whose given value starts with letters "suff" in it | [lang|=fr] |
'element[attribute]' | selects all given elements with given attribute | img[alt] |
... all combinations may be with or without elements | ... | ... |
'#id' | selects all elements with id attribute set to "id" | #homepage |
'.class' | selects all elements with class attribute set to "class" | .highlight |
'#id .class' | selects all elements with class attribute set to "class" inside given ancestor with the id attribute set to "id" | #main .main_sub |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
'element:first-letter' | selects the first letter of every given element | p:first-letter |
'element:first-line' | selects the first line of every given element | p:first-letter |
'element:before' | insert content before the content of every given element | ul li:before |
'element:after' | insert content after every given element | a:after |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
'element:first-child' | selects every given element that is the first child of its parent | p:first-child |
'element:link (a)' | selects all unvisited links of a hyperlink (a) | a:link |
'element:visited (a)' | selects all visited links of a hyperlink (a) | a:visited |
'element:active' | selects the active element (i.e. during mouse press down process) | a:active |
'element:hover' | selects element while hovered across by a pointing devices (i.e. a mouse) | a:hover |
'element:focus (input)' | selects element being focused on by user agent (input) | input:focus |
'element:lang(l)' | selects every given element with a lang attribute value starting with "l" | div:lang(en) |
... all other combinations | ... | ... |
Note that the pseudo-classes :active and :hover are not strictly tied to a hyperlink (<a>) element. Whether browser will respect that function or not respect, that's another story but most of them do, especially last generations.
Also note that the pseudo-class :focus is not strictly related to the form elements, but it makes most sense to use it with them.
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