The white-space property defines the usage of white space in a text line and how the white space is to be handled.
The white-space property contains following information:
- value: normal, pre, nowrap, pre-wrap, pre-line or inherit;
- initial: normal;
- applies to: all elements;
- inherited: yes;
- percentages: N/A;
- media: visual;
- computed value: as specified.
White-space property's values have following meanings:
- value normal lets browsers determine how to collapse sequence of white space and how to break lines;
- value pre prevents browsers from collapsing sequence of white space; lines may be only broken at newline characters;
- value nowrap lets browsers collapse white space normally but prevents line breaks within text;
- value pre-wrap prevents browser from collapsing white space; lines may be broken at the newline characters and to fill line boxes;
- value pre-line directs browsers to collapse white space while line breaks in the same manner as pre-wrap value.
To learn more how white-space in CSS works please refer to CSS advanced chapter.
CSS white-space property example:
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