The CSS3 syntax is specified same as in CSS level 2 specification (which we talked about in CSS2 tutorial). In this tutorial we will only emphasis the basics.
- Selector. A selector tells the browser where or on which element of the document you want to apply a specific rule to.
- Declaration block. A declaration block begins with a left curly brace ({) and ends with a right curly brace (}). You put your style declarations between these braces. Each declaration consists of a property followed by a colon (:) and a value, and ends with a semicolon (;).
- Property. A property is one of the properties defined in the CSS specification, most having intuitive names. Property names are not case-sensitive, but they are normally written entirely in lowercase.
- Value. A value is the value you want to apply to a property. Some properties have a fixed list of values that you can choose from, while others let you specify the value yourself.
In the following example we can get a glimpse of a basic CSS3 syntax:
selector {
property1 : value;
property2 : value;
For instance if we want to style all paragraphs within a document, we do the following:
p {
color : red;
text-align : center;
Or in an example that depicts a CSS3 selector and properties, something like this:
div:last-child {
font-size : smaller;
border-top-left-radius: 1em 0.5em;
border-top-right-radius: 1em 0.5em;
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