The column-rule-style property sets the style of the rule between columns. This property behaves like borders.
selector {
column-rule-style: none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | lenght | initial | inherit;
Possible values for column-rule-style property are:
- none; The default value. No rule between.
- hidden; A rule exists but is hidden.
- dotted; A dotted rule.
- dashed; A dashed rule.
- solid; A solid rule.
- double; A double rule.
- groove; A 3D grooved rule.
- ridge; A 3D ridged rule.
- inset; A 3D inset rule.
- outset; A 3D outset rule.
- length; A number (px, em, %…) specifying the width of a rule.
- initial, inherit
Once again, as we can see, the column-rule-style property is similar to the border-style property.
The column-rule-style property applied on paragraphs example:
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