The transition-timing-function property controls the relative speed of the transition over the transition-duration to make the transition start slowly and end quickly.
selector {
transition-timing-function: ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier() | initial | inherit;
The values possible for the transition-timing-function property are:
- linear; Equivalent to cubic-bezier (0, 0, 1, 1); The effect always has the same speed of transition.
- ease; The default value which makes the transition starts slow, then fast, and then slow at the end; Equivalent to cubic-bezier (0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)
- ease-in; Makes the transition starts slowly; Equivalent to cubic-bezier (0.42, 0, 1, 1).
- ease-out; Makes the transition ends slowly; Equivalent to cubic-bezier (0, 0, 0.58, 1).
- ease-in-out; Makes the transition starts and ends slowly; Equivalent to cubic-bezier (0.42, 0, 0.58, 1).
- cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n); Custom defined values in a cubic-bezier function; All values must be numeric.
- step-start; Equivalent to steps (1, start).
- step-end; Equivalent to steps (1, end).
- steps(interval,start|end); Makes the transition appears in defined steps; It received two values, where the first value is a number of intervals to be executed, and the second must be a keyword start or end. These keywords refer to the points in transition where changes will occur and if omitted the end is taken as default.
- initial, inherit
The transition-timing-function property with cubic-bezier example:
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