This group of attributes contains those that apply to HTML forms and users interaction with them.
Related elements:
action attribute:
method attribute:
enctype attribute:
accept-charset attribute:
accept attribute:
readonly attribute:
disabled attribute:
size attribute:
maxlength attribute:
checked attribute:
selected attribute:
multiple attribute:
label attribute:
for attribute:
Attribute characteristics and purpose:
action attribute:
- specifies an action to be performed upon form submission
- the value must be a URI or otherwise will be undefined
- often used to locate a script that will process the form submitted data in terms of name / value pairs
method attribute:
- defines the HTTP method used upon form submission
- possible values are GET (default) and POST
- with the get method form data is appended to the URI specified by the action attribute, with the question mark (?) used as data separator; with the post method the form data set is included in the body of the form
- the GET method is less safe because data are not hidden and protected and it is used for forms that do not require special safety measures; the POST method is used with larger forms and when there are sensitive operations that are to be executed after submission, such as database modifications and similar
enctype attribute:
- specifies the content type used for submitting the form to the server
- used only in combination with the POST method
- default value is: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- if there is an input control with the type="file" then the enctype attribute should be set to: multipart/form-data
accept-charset attribute:
- defines the list of space and / or comma separated character encodings for input data
- default value is "unknown"
accept attribute:
- defines a comma separated list of content types that the server should try to process correctly
- browsers might use this attribute to filter out con-conforming files that are being sent to the server via input element type="file"
readonly attribute:
- it's a Boolean attribute and when set it prohibits any changes to the control by a user
- the element is able to be focused on, it participates in tabbing navigation and its value is sent to the server
disabled attribute:
- the control is completely disabled for the user input
- the element cannot receive focus, it will be skipped in tabbing navigation and it won't be processed during submission
size attribute:
- <input /> - defines the initial width of the control (input field); it is given in pixels and if the type attribute is set to "text" or "password" it will refer to the number of characters
- <select> - if the select element is presented as a scrolled list box, the size attribute specifies the number of initially visible rows at the same time
maxlength attribute:
- used when <input /> element is set to "text" or "password" and it refers to the maximum number of characters a user might enter
- the default value is "unlimited"
checked attribute:
- used with <input /> element when the type attribute has its value set to "radio" or "checkbox
- it's a Boolean attribute and it determines if the button is preset to "ON"
selected attribute:
- it's a Boolean attribute that specifies if an option is pre-selected
multiple attribute:
- it's a Boolean attribute that when set allows multiple selections by a user
label attribute:
- <optgroup> - specifies the label for the option group
- <option> - specifies a shorter label for an option then the content of the option element; if set then browser should use this as a label rather than the content of the option element
for attribute:
- associates the label with another control
- the value of this attribute must be the same as the value of id attribute of a control it is being associated with; one control may be associated with more then one label
- if the for attribute is absent then the association can be made only with nesting the control inside the <label> element; in that case only one association is possible
HTML form specific attributes:
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