The type attribute is used in those elements where there are possibilities to assign one of a few different pre-defined controls or content types of the element
The name attribute is often applied in forms to reference the control fields but also with a number of other elements, such as frames where it is combined with the target attribute to mark a destination frame.
The value attribute is used to assign initial or run-time value of an element. It usually associates with the name attribute and together creates name / value pair that might be analyzed by a server based script.
Related elements:
type attribute:
name attribute:
value attribute:
Attribute characteristics and purpose:
type attribute:
- <input /> - specifies the control type being used; possible values: "text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, file, hidden, image, button"; default value is "text"
- <button> - specifies the control type being used; possible values: "submit, reset, button"
- <a>, <link /> - advises a browser on the content type used existing at the link's address; the content type can be one of the registered MIMETYPES
- <object> - specifies the content type specified by the data attribute; helps browser determine if the content type is supported
- <param /> - specifies the value of a run-time parameter specified by name attribute
- <style> - specifies a style sheets language as a content-type used internally
- <script> - specifies a scripting language as a content-type used internally or in an external source
name attribute:
- <form> - it is used to reference a submitted form (via a script); exists for backwards compatibility and id attribute should be used instead
- <input />, <button>, <textarea>, <select>, <object> - assigns control's name (field's name)
- <frame>, <iframe> - assigns a name to a frame and can be used as the target for frame linking
- <a> - unique anchor name; used as destination of another link (an anchor); shares same space as id attribute so they cannot be used together (preferred is the name attribute)
- <img> - name attribute has been replaced with id and exists for backwards compatibility
- <param /> - defines the name of a run-time parameter
- <map> - assigns a name to the image map defined by the element; used for backwards compatibility and id attribute should be used instead
- <meta /> - identifies a property name; works in combination with the content attribute which specifies the value of the property
value attribute:
- <input /> - specifies the initial value of the control; it is optional in all cases except when the type attribute is "radio" or "checkbox"
- <option> - specifies the initial value of the control; if it's not specified then the default value is set to the contents of the option element
- <button> - assigns the initial value of the button element
- <param /> - specifies the value of a run-time parameter specified by the name attribute; the meaning of the value is determined by the object in question
HTML type, name and value attribute:
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