It is easy to write a basic web page.
You don't need a server, or a website. The only thing you need is a text editor and a user agent to interpret the HTML code.
A text editor can be Notepad, WordPad or any similar text editor installed on a working platform. Normally complex tools such as Dreamweaver can be used as well but it is a better idea to use a plain editor as that is the fastest way to learn.
A user agent is any device that is able to interpret a HTML code. In our case and in fact most of cases it will be an internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.
There are currently five browsers that are considered to be the leaders in the market. These are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
To test how it works open a text editor and paste the code shown in “example” box, then save the file as “.htm” or “.html”. The choice of the extension is yours although recommendation is “.html”. Extension “.htm” is a remaining from the time when Windows could not dedicate 4 characters to a file extension. After you saved and modified file, open it with a browser.
Example File
HTML code with a link to another page:
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