Document's meta data provide or can provide a lot of information about the loaded document.
The most common meta data added are page description, keywords, copyright information, author of the document, document reloading information, document re-directing etc...
This tag can be even used to change behaving of a search engine bot (robot). Let say if a page is being re-directed it is useful not to index it by a search engine.
Meta data that include keywords is often used to help search engines index the site better.
Meta information always comes as a property name/value pairs and has no limit on number of <meta> tags used.
The meta data does not get displayed in a visual browser.
Meta is an empty element, therefore the closing tag is forbidden.
<meta />
- lang (language information), dir (text direction)
- name, content, scheme (meta data properties)
- http-equiv (message header)
HTML meta elements:
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