Basic structure:
Text formatting:
- Basic paragraph with a header in front (p, h1)
- Paragraph nesting (p)
- Line break (br)
- Preformatted text (pre)
- Phrasing elements (em, strong, dfn, code, samp, kbd, var, abbr, acronym)
- Quotes (blockquote, q)
- Subscripts and superscripts (sub, sup)
- Marking document changes (ins, del)
- Document changing datetime attribute (ins, attribute:datetime)
- Font styling (tt, i, b, big, small)
- Horizontal rules (hr)
- Text direction (bdo)
- Multiple languages in one page with text direction changed (attribute: lang, dir)
- Basic tables (table, tr, th, td)
- Table's caption (caption)
- Rows grouping (thead, tbody, tfoot)
- Columns grouping (colgroup, col)
- Table description attributes (table, attribute: th, td, summary, headers, scope, axis, abbr)
- Tables styling (table, attribute: frame, rules, border, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, valign, char, charoff, span, rowspan, colspan)
Images & embedded media:
- Basic forms (form, fieldset, input)
- Structural elements (fieldset, legend)
- Input fields (input)
- Buttons (button)
- Select menus (select, optgroup, option)
- Text areas (textarea)
- Field labeling (label, input)
- Main attributes used in a form (attribute: type, name, value)
- Tab navigation and access keys in a form (attribute: tabindex, accesskey)
- Expanded form styling and properties (form, attribute: action, method, enctype, accept, accept-charset, checked, readonly, disabled, multiple, label, selected, for, size, maxlength)
- Form with form submitted, field changed and select menu blurred even (input, select, attribute: onblur, onchange, onsubmit)
Document's head section:
- Document's title (title)
- Meta data (meta)
- Document's relationship, link to external style sheet (link)
- Link to previous and next chapter of the document (link, attribute: rel, rev)
- Basic path information, link to images (base, img)
- Base path for hyperlink, image and image map (base, a, img, attribute: href, target)
- Internal style sheets (style)
- Internal scripting, client side (script, noscript)
Language and character set:
Scripting, client based:
- Core attributes in a basic HTML page (attribute: id, class, style, title)
- Element's type, name and value applied in a form (attribute: type, name, value)
- Internationalization or i18n attributes (attribute: lang, dir)
- Character set and hyperlink's language reference attributes (attribute: charset, hreflang)
- Accessibility & descriptive properties (attribute: tabindex, accesskey, alt, rel, rev, summary, headers, scope, axis, abbr, datetime)
- URI and locations (attribute: href, src, longdesc, usemap, target, nohref, cite)
- Physical properties (attribute: shape, coords, ismap, width, height, rows, cols)
- Tables styling (attribute: frame, rules, border, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, valign, char, charoff, span, rowspan, colspan)
- Frames styling (attribute: noresize, marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, frameborder)
- Embedded objects (attribute: classid, codebase, codetype, data, archive, declare, standby, valuetype)
- Forms interaction (attribute: action, method, enctype, accept, accept-charset, checked, readonly, disabled, multiple, label, selected, for, size, maxlength)
- Standard intrinsic events (attribute: onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup)
- Extended intrinsic events (attribute: onload, onunload, onfocus, onblur, onselect, onchange, onsubmit, onreset)
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