A paragraph is one of the most common elements in HTML, mostly due the fact that writers use it naturally to organize sentences and text sequences.
Paragraph should not contain other block...
Line break is used to determine single line breaks, equivalent to carriage return. Actually a line break is a carriage return ( ), a line feed ( ) or a carriage return / line feed pair.
Phrase elements are used to add structural information to the content.
In respective order, the meanings of the phrasing elements are:
EM => emphases text;
These two elements are used to define a quoted text.
<Blockquote> is used for longer quotations, block level content, while <q> is used for inline, shorter quo...
Subscript and superscript elements are often used for rendering certain type of text, i.e. chemical formulas or properly visualization of phrases in certain languages.
These two elements are used to mark document changes regarding inserted or deleted parts of it, and in respect with the rest of the document.
They are often used as a part of a draft docume...
The font style elements are used to offset default or styles sheet based font rendering.
In respective order, the meanings of the font syling elements are:
TT => teletype...
Horizontal rule is used to visually separate other elements within a document.
The vertical space between separated elements and the horizontal rule visualitions depend heavily on a browser...
This element is used to override embedded text direction.
It must be used with attribute dir in order to specify direction of text, whether is left or right oriented.