These two elements are used to mark document changes regarding inserted or deleted parts of it, and in respect with the rest of the document.
They are often used as a part of a draft document, or a document in progress, subdued to changes.
Both elements can be used as a block level element or an inline level element, but not both. Thus they can be used within a paragraph or contain one, but both situations are not allowed.
The rendering of those two elements depends on the user agent but it should be obvious, i.e. <del> element might have text marked with strikethrough while <ins> element might change the color of text.
<ins></ins>, <del></del>
- id, class (document-wide identifiers)
- lang (language information), dir (text direction)
- title (element title)
- style (inline style information)
- cite (citation URI)
- datetime (data and time information)
- onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup (intrinsic events)
HTML marking document changes elements:
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