This page is describing the HTML5 event attributes.
Same as with the global HTML5 attributes, to review the rest of HTML attributes, refer to the However, the HTML4 event attributes may be seen in details at these location: and
Attribute characteristics and purpose:
Listed events are sorted by common usage priority and by HTML5 / older HTML selection.
Mouse Events
ondrag attribute:
- event occurs when an element is being dragged
ondragend attribute:
- event occurs at the end of dragging
ondragenter attribute:
- event occurs upon a dragged element has entered it's drop target
ondragleave attribute:
- event occurs upon a dragged element has left it's drop target
ondragover attribute:
- event occurs when a dragged element is being dragged over it's target
ondragstart attribute:
- event occurs at the start of dragging
ondrop attribute:
- event occurs at the moment of a dragged element being dropped
onscroll attribute:
- event occurs when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled
onwheel attribute:
- event occurs during the mouse wheel moving up or down
HTML4.01 and older
onclick attribute:
- event occurs when a pointing device button is clicked over an element
ondblclick attribute:
- occurs when a pointing device button is double clicked over an element
onmousedown attribute:
- event occurs when a mouse button is pressed over an element
onmousemove attribute:
- event occurs when a mouse is moved while it is over an element
onmouseout attribute:
- event occurs when a mouse is moved away from an element
onmouseover attribute:
- event occurs when a mouse is moved onto an element
onmouseup attribute:
- event occurs when a mouse button is released over an element
Keyboard Events
HTML4.01 and older
onkeydown attribute:
- event occurs when a key is pressed down over an element
onkeypress attribute:
- event occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element
onkeyup attribute:
- event occurs when a key is released over an element
Form Events
oncontextmenu attribute:
- event occurs when a context menu has been triggered
oninput attribute:
- event occurs after an user's input (<input> fields) have been received
oninvalid attribute:
- event occurs if an element input is in invalid; for instance an input field that is marked as required returns an empty field
onsearch attribute:
- event occurs when an user writes something in an input field of a search type (<input type="search">)
HTML4.01 and older
onblur attribute:
- event occurs when an element looses focus by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation
onchange attribute:
- event occurs when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified after gaining focus
onfocus attribute:
- event occurs when an element receives focus by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation
onreset attribute:
- event occurs when a form is reset
onselect attribute:
- event occurs when a user selects some text in a text field
onsubmit attribute:
- event occurs when a form is submitted
Window Events
onafterprint attribute:
- event occurs after a document gets printed
onbeforeprint attribute:
- event occurs before a document gets printed
onbeforeunload attribute:
- event occurs at the moment of a document getting unloaded
onerror attribute:
- event occurs when an error occurs
onhashchange attribute:
- event occurs after changes have been applied to the anchor part of the an URL
onmessage attribute:
- event occurs when a message has been triggered
onoffline attribute:
- event occurs the browser starts operating in offline mode
ononline attribute:
- event occurs the browser starts operating in online mode
onpagehide attribute:
- event occurs when an user moves (navigates) away from a page
onpageshow attribute:
- event occurs when an user moves (navigates) back to a page
onpopstate attribute:
- event occurs after the window's history has changed
onresize attribute:
- event occurs when the browser window gets resized
onstorage attribute:
- event occurs when a web storage area gets updated
HTML4.01 and older
onload attribute:
- event occurs when the browser finishes loading a window or all frames inside a frameset
onunload attribute:
- event occurs when the browser removes a document from a window or frame
Media Events
onabort attribute:
- event occurs on media abort command
oncanplay attribute:
- event occurs when a media file is ready to start playing; it waits to buffer enough for a valid play
oncanplaythrough attribute:
- event occurs when a file is completely ready, and it has buffered all the way trhough
oncuechange attribute:
- event occurs after a cue has changed (applies to <track> element)
ondurationchange attribute:
- event occurs if the length of a media has changed
onemptied attribute:
- event occurs when or if a media file becomes unavailable or somehow interrupted
onended attribute:
- event occurs after the end of media has been reached
onerror attribute:
- event occurs, same as with window error event (see above), when or if an error appears during loading of a file
onloadeddata attribute:
- event occurs when a media's data is being loaded
onloadedmetadata attribute:
- event occurs when a media's meta data are being loaded
onloadstart attribute:
- event occurs at the moment of a media file initiating the loading procedure, but before it actually gets fully loaded
onpause attribute:
- event occurs when a media file gets paused
onplay attirbute:
- event occurs when a media is ready to be played
onplaying attribute:
- event occurs when a media file is actively playing
onprogress attribute:
- event occurs when a browser is reading or processing media data to be played
onratechange attribute:
- event occurs when a rate of playing changes (fast forward, rewind ...)
onseeked attribute:
- event occurs when an user has finished moving to a new position of the media file (seeking operation)
onseeking attribute:
- event occurs when a seeking operation is active (precedes the onseeked attribute)
onstalled attribute:
- event occurs if a browser is experiencing problems reaching (fetching) a media file
onsuspend attribute:
- event occurs if a browser stopped reaching (fetching) a media file for some reason
ontimeupdate attribute:
- event occurs if an user change the playing position of a media file (moves to another chapter or similar)
onvolumechange attribute:
- event occurs whenever the playing media volume gets changed, including muting it
onwaiting attribute:
- event occurs if a media has paused during regular execution, i.e. buffering more data
Clipboard Events
oncopy attribute:
- event occurs when a content (value) of an element is being copied, often used for <input /> field value copying
oncut attribute:
- event occurs when a content (value) of an element is being cut, often used for <input /> field value cutting
onpaste attribute:
- event occurs when a content (value) of an element is being pasted into another element, as well often used for <input /> field value pasting
Other Events
onerror attribute:
- this event has been introduced as part of window events, as well as media events, but it may also be used to trigger when an error occurs while loading an external file
onshow attribute:
- event occurs when a <menu> element gets shown as a context menu
ontoggle attribute:
- event occurs on toggling a <details> element (showing or hiding)
Example with mouse ondrop, ondragover, ondragstart and ondrag HTML5 events:
Example with form onreset, oninput, oninvalid and onsubmit HTML5 events:
Example with window onresize HTML5 events:
Example with media onplaying, onpause, onvolumechange and onended HTML5 events:
Example with clipboard oncut, oncopy and onpaste HTML5 events:
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