First and foremost, the HTML5 is a natural continuation of its markup language parent, the HTML4. This is the newest revision of the HyperText Markup Language initially developed in the late 80's as the part of, at that time, newly invented networked named Internet.
The HTML programming language is the heart of the ever-growing Web world, and the HTML5 is its latest newborn (although not that new). However, joined by CSS (or CSS3 to be correct) used for styling, and JavaScript used to build and support interactivity, the HTML has grown exponentially and nowadays it is impossible to imaging the world where everybody is somehow connected without it.
Importance of HTML5 and browser support
HTML5, although not yet fully implemented, has gained a significant importance in the web dominated by mobile platforms.
The rich media or multimedia is heavily supported by the HTML5 structure, and nowadays long time major plugins such as Flash have been, so to speak, nearly completely replaced by HTML new media tags such as <audio> and <video>.
It is important to mention that the HTML5 final revision has been just completed in October, 2014 and it has already started to gain traction amongst browser and therefore will be increasingly used in the future. Saying that, it is equally important to keep in mind that some of the older browser still lurking around will have problems (Internet Explorer, wink wink) 'understanding' the new standard. A good orientation reference to stick to would be the Internet Explorer 9.0. In other words browsers older than this one will need a code more flexible, in particular a code that supports HTML4.1 or XHTML1.0 based documents.
Each chapter has attached an interactive example that can be easily modified and tested as wanted.
All examples can be found at the end of the tutorial.
At the end of the tutorial you will find a complete reference list with all elements, attributes, codes, etc...
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