JavaScript code executes synchronously, in single thread. When a delay or time interval ha to be introduced to code execution they use HTML DOM window object methods explained below.
setInterval() method
The setInterval() method executes the function passed to it, at a specified time intervals repeatedly.
window.setInterval(function, time);
The syntax can also be written without the window object prefix. The function is a JavaScript function to be executed. The time argument is a length of time intervals between each execution of the function. It is given in milliseconds.
Disadvantages of setInterval() method
In JavaScript, this method queues up for execution when timeout occurs. If there is a long callback function or another event executing, and timeout has occurred for firing the function in setInterval
again, browser drops (prevents) the second execution. Because, if it queues up all setInterval
callbacks, there would be bunch of same function executing back to back. So major disadvantage of this method is, it does not care what browser is currently executing and queues up indiscriminately even if it means that callback function is dropped the from execution cue.
clearInterval() method
The clearInterval() method stops the further execution of the function passed in setInterval(). The setInterval() must be assigned to a global variable while creating. The global variable can be passed to clearInterval() to stop its execution.
global_variable = setInterval(func, time);
The syntax can also be written without the window object prefix.
Example of a setting and clearing JavaScript interval
setTimeout() method
The setTimeout() method waits for specified number of milliseconds and executes the function passed as parameter.
window.setTimeout(“function”, time);
The syntax can also be written without the window object prefix. The function is a JavaScript function to be executed. The time is a length of time intervals after which function has to be executed. It is given in milliseconds.
Disadvantages of setTimeout() method
This method updates the screen when time is expired and does not consider the load on browser or if the webpage is at the background with some other activity in foreground, or if an animation which has to be displayed is scrolled off from user’s view. Such activities bring extra load on browser or computer to juggle the process, irrespective of the function being used by user or not.
clearTimeout() method
The clearTimeout() method is used to stop execution of the function in setTimeout(). The setTimeout() must be assigned to a global variable while creating. The global variable can be passed to clearTimeout() to stop its execution.
global_variable = setTimeout(func, time);
The syntax can also be written without the window object prefix.
Example of a setting and clearing JavaScript timeout timer
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