In this chapter we are going to breifly introduce Document Object Model Level 2 mutation events.
The DOM level 2 had a set of mutation events which supposed to provide notification when a part of DOM structure in a document has changed. However they are all deprecated in DOM Level 3 and are mentioned here for documentation only:
- DOMSubtreeModified – Occurs when there is change in DOM structure.
- DOMNodeInserted – Occurs when node is inserted as child to another node.
- DOMNodeRemoved - Occurs when node is removed from it’s parent.
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument – Occurs after a node is inserted directly or inserting a subtree in which it exists inserted.
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument - Occurs after a node is removed directly or removing a subtree in which it exists removed.
- DOMAttrModified – Occurs when attribute is modified.
- DOMCharacterDataModified – Occurs when change is made to value of text node.
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