The select boxes are objects that may be added to a HTML web page containing <option> or <select> elements. They can created and added by using DOM elements with “SELECT” keyword.
Syntax for select boxes
var sel = document.createElement(“SELECT”);
The table below shows select object properties and methods that can be used through DOM:
Property/Object |
Description |
options |
Returns the collection of drop-down list option. |
disabled |
If it is set, drop down is disabled and value is set to one option. |
form |
Returns the reference of the drop down list. |
length |
Returns length of the drop down list. |
multiple |
If it is set more than one option can be selected from drop down. |
name |
Sets or returns name attribute of the drop-down list. |
size |
Sets or returns values of size of drop down list. That is, if size is 4, drop down list shows 4 items at a time. |
selectedIndex |
Sets or returns index of selected option in drop down list. |
type |
Returns is drop down list is select-one or select-multiple type. |
value |
Sets or returns value of selected option in drop-down list. |
add(option, index) |
This method adds an option to drop down list, where ‘option’ is the element to be added. ‘index’ is position to be added to the drop down. |
remove(index) |
Removes the item given in ‘index’ from the drop down list. |
Example of working with select boxes in JavaScript
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