DOM or Document Object Model is a structured representation of a HTML (or XML) document. It is made of Core DOM, XML DOM and HTML DOM and it is considered to be collection of hierarchy of nondes.
Element | ELEMENT_NODE | An element. |
Attr | ATTRIBUTE_NODE | An attribute. |
Text | TEXT_NODE | A textual content inside an element. |
CDATASection | CDATA_SECTION_NODE | A CDATA section of a document. |
EntityReference | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE | An entity reference. |
Entity | ENTITY_NODE | An entity. |
Processing Instruction | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE | A processing instruction. |
Comment | COMMENT_NODE | A comment. |
Document | DOCUMENT_NODE | The entire document (the root). |
Document Type | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE | An interface to document's entities. |
Document Fragment | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE | A light-weight object. |
Notation | NOTATION_NODE | A notation declared with DTD. |
1 | ELEMENT_NODE | Element name | null |
2 | ATTRIBUTE_NODE | Attribute name | Attribute value |
3 | TEXT_NODE | #text | Content of node |
4 | CDATA_SECTION_NODE | #cdata-section | Content of node |
5 | ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE | Entity reference name | null |
6 | ENTITY_NODE | Entity name | null |
7 | PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE | target | Content of node |
8 | COMMENT_NODE | #comment | Comment text |
9 | DOCUMENT_NODE | #document | null |
10 | DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE | doctype name | null |
11 | DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE | #document fragment | null |
12 | NOTATION_NODE | Notation name | null |
appendChild() | node, element, docFragment | Adds a new child node to the last position of the parent node. |
appendData() | text, comment, cdata | Adds text content to the last position of a node. |
cloneNode() | node | Clones a node together with all atributes. |
createDocumentFragment() | document | Creates empty document fragment nodes. |
createElement() | document, element | Creates an element node. |
createFragment() | docFragment | Creates a document's fragment. |
createTextNode() | document, text, comment, cdata | Creates a text node. |
deleteData() | text, comment, cdata | Deletes text content or part of it from a node. |
document.close() | document | Closes a document's string. | | document | Opens a document's string and reads it as an output. |
document.write() | document | Used to directly add expressions (strings, code...) into a HTML document. |
document.writeln() | document | Same as document.write() except that it also appends a new-line character (\n). |
getAttribute() | attr | Finds an attribute's value by given name. |
getElementById() | document | Finds an element by it's id attribute. |
getElementsByTagName() | document | Finds an array collection of all elements specified by the tagname. |
hasAttribute() | attr | Checks if an element has the attribute. |
hasChildNodes() | node | Checks if a node contains any child nodes. |
insertBefore() | node, docFragment | Inserts a new child node in front of the referenced node. |
insertData() | text, comment, cdata | Inserts text content to the given position in a node. |
normalize() | text, comment, cdata | Combines two or more text nodes into a single one. |
removeAttribute() | attr | Removes the attribute given by its name. |
removeChild() | node | Removes a child node. |
replaceChild() | node | Replaces the old child node with a new one and returns the old one. |
replaceData() | text, comment, cdata | Replaces text content or part of it in a node. |
setAttribute() | attr | Adds a new attribute or changes an existing one to give value. |
splitText() | text | Split text content at the given position. |
substringData() | text, comment, cdata | Extracts characters from a string from and to given positions. |
childElementCount | Counts all children of an element. |
childNodes[] | An array collecting all child nodes under a given parent. |
children | A non-standard property returning an array with element's children. |
firstChild | Returns the first child of a node. |
firstElementChild | Returns the first child of an element. |
isId | Checks if the attribute is of type id and returns true if yes (attr.isid). |
lastChild | Returns the last child of a node. |
lastElementChild | Returns the last child of an element. |
length | Returns number of characters from a text node (data.length or nodeValue.length). |
name | Returns the attribute's name ( |
nextElementSibling | Returns the next sibling of an element. |
nextSibling | Returns the next sibling of a node. |
nodeName | Returns the name of the node. |
nodeType | Returns the type of the node. |
nodeValue | Returns the value of the node. |
previousElementSibling | Returns the previous sibling of an element. |
previousSibling | Returns the previous sibling of a node. |
specified | Checks if the attribute is created (whether it is appended or not) (attr.specified). |
value | Returns the attribute's value (attr.value). |
compareDocumentPosition() | method | Checks for the positions of two nodes in a document and returns values as their positions. |
contains() | method | Checks if the given element is a descendant of the current element. |
createCaption() | method | Creates a caption element and appends it to the table. |
createTFoot() | method | Creates a tfoot element and appends it to the table. |
createTHead() | method | Creates a thead element and appends it to the table. |
deleteCaption() | method | Deletes the caption element of a table. |
deleteTFoot() | method | Deletes the tfoot element of a table. |
deleteTHead() | method | Deletes the thead element of a table. |
document.compactMode | property | Checks for the browsers compatibility of the rendered page. |
document.documentMode | property | Detects the document mode used by the browser renedring the page. |
innerHTML | property | Sets or returns the HTML syntax within the parent element. |
innerText | property | Sets or returns the text inside the object's (i.e. an element) tags. |
outerHTML | property | Sets or returns the HTML syntax of the parent element (including the parent itself). |
outerText | property | Sets or returns the text of the object (i.e. an element). |
scrollByLines() | method | Automatically scrolls the page by the given number of lines. |
scrollByPages() | method | Automatically scrolls the document by the given number of pages. |
scrollIntoView() | method | Automatically positions (scrolls) the viewport to position on the element regardless if it wasn't visible immediately during page rendering. |
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() | method | Automatically positions (scrolls) the viewport to position on the element the is not visible immediately during page rendering. |
tBodies[] | method | Returns an array of all tbodies elements of a table. |
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