break |
Breaks a loop execution and continues from the first next line of code. |
case |
Used in a switch-case-default statement. Each case refers to one possibility in a flow control. |
catch |
Used in a try-throw-catch-finally statements for debugging errors. The catch operator will "catch" and handle errors that throw statement "throws". |
continue |
Breaks a loop execution in the current step and continues the same loop with the next following step of iteration. |
default |
Used in a switch-case-default statement. The keyword default is added as the last option to the statement as a "back-up" plane if none of the cases catch the condition. |
delete |
It is used to delete property from an object. |
do |
Part of do-while loop. This kind of loops get executed at least once, before the condition is tested with the while statement. |
else |
Part of the if-else if-else conditional statement. Used to alternate code execution if the condition does not pass the if tested expression. |
finally |
Used in a try-throw-catch-finally statements for debugging errors. The finally operator will execute code after the catch statement handled possible errors. |
for |
The most often conditional loop statement. Very handy for iterations because variables, expressions and iterations can be set all in the same line of code. |
function |
The function keyword declares a function that will be executed by evoking it from some point in the code. |
if |
Part of the if-else if-else conditional statement. It may be used as a solely condition or in a combination with else, else if detours. |
in |
Part of the for-in statement that is used to iterate the properties from an object. The in operator refers to each key or its value from within an array (object). |
instanceof |
The instanceof operator is used to test if a variable or some other identifier belong to (is it's instance) a certain object. |
new |
The new operator is used to create a new instance of an object. |
return |
Returns the ultimate value of a function. |
switch |
Used in a switch-case-default statement. The keyword switch tests the expression, while case directs the code flow. |
this |
Refers to an element or object that is the "owner" of the function being active (an object that "called" the function). |
throw |
Used in a try-throw-catch-finally statements for debugging errors. The throw statement will throw errors (if any), and direct code towards catch and finally for treatment. |
try |
The try statement is used as the parent to try-throw-catch-finally combination. The try is used to test the code, and with throw operator directs errors to a catch statement. |
typeof |
Used to test for the data type of an identifier. Often applied in and with flow control statements. |
var |
Declares variables. |
void |
The void operator is used to prevent a browser from loading a link, after detecting the a tag. When a browser sees void operator, it behaves like null has been returned. |
while |
The while statement is used to loop through a code until the exit conditions are met. Unlike the do-while statement, here the condition is tested before loop, so it may not be executed at all. |
with |
Used to set the scope of the code within a particular object. |
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