The INNER JOIN clause let us match rows with same columns from two different tables. Following rules have to be applied to use the INNER JOIN clause:
- It must be put after FROM clause;
- The first table has to be specified in the FROM clause;
- The second table is specified after the INNER JOIN clause;
- The last is to specify the join condition, which appears after the keyword ON
- Try not to match more than two tables in order to keep the performance up.
The following example shows the basic syntax for INNER JOIN clause:
SELECT columns FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON join_conditions ? WHERE where_conditions;
And if you want to add more than two tables, continue previous as shown:
SELECT columns FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON join_conditions1
INNER JOIN table3 ON join_conditions2
WHERE where_conditions;
SELECT Table1.itemNumber, status, SUM(quantityOrdered * itemPrice) total
FROM items AS Table1
INNER JOIN itemDetails AS Table2 ON Table1.itemNumber = Table2.itemNumber
GROUP BY itemNumber;
In the example above we can see that the columns, in order to distinguish them from one another, have to be read as Table1.itemNumber and Table2.itemNumber.
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