The examples below are showing how to work with ZIP files and compressions in PHP.
Example of working with BZIP in PHP
$file = "/path/example.bz2";
$str = "A test string<br />";
$bz = bzopen($file, "w"); // open file for writing
// write
bzwrite($bz, $str);
bzclose($bz); // close file
// read
$bz = bzread($file, "r"); // open file for reading
echo bzread($bz); // output file (or next 1024 characters)
Example of working with ZIP in PHP
$zip = new zipArchive();
$file = "/path/";
if ($zip ->open($file, zipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE)
exit("Can't open <$file");
$zip ->addFromString("example.txt" . time(), // string added as 'example.txt');
$zip ->addFromString("example2.txt" . time(), // string added as 'example2.txt');
$zip ->addFile("/path/file2.php", "/test_file.php");
echo "numfile" . $zip ->numfiles . "<br />";
echo "status" . $zip ->status . "<br />";
$zip ->close();
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