Variables in PHP store values that can be changed in the script multiple times and read the values when a call upon the variable is made.
Variables starts with a dollar ($
) sign plus the variable name which is case sensitive. The scope of a variable is determined by the defined context. A variable defined inside a function is generally called a local variable with the exception that it is called a global if it is inside a function that declares it as a global variable.
Figure: Example of PHP variables
Same as constants, there are a large number of predefined variables built in PHP libraries. Some of these variables depend on the machine server. The list below includes a variety of predefined variables:
- Superglobals — These are built-in variables that are always available in all scopes
- $GLOBALS — References all variables available in global scope
- $_SERVER — Server and execution environment information
- $_GET — HTTP GET variables
- $_POST — HTTP POST variables
- $_FILES — HTTP File Upload variables
- $_REQUEST — HTTP Request variables
- $_SESSION — Session variables
- $_ENV — Environment variables
- $_COOKIE — HTTP Cookies
- $php_errormsg — The previous error message
- $http_response_header — HTTP response headers
- $argc — The number of arguments passed to script
- $argv — Array of arguments passed to script
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