An object is a data type that stores other data, information and functions. An object is created by declaring a class object which is actually a structure containing properties and methods. To create an object, a class is to be declared:
class newObject {
function func1() {
echo "This is function1";
function func2() {
echo "This is function2";
$var = new newObject;
$var -> func1();
If a value of a data type (except if it's an object) is converted into an object, a new instance of the stdClass
built-in class is created.
A null value will create an empty new instance.
An array can convert into an object with properties named by keys and corresponding values, as shown in the example below:
$obj = (object) array("1" => "one");
var_dump(isset($obj -> {"1"})); // outputs "bool"(false)"
var_dump(key($obj)); // outputs "int(1)"
To learn more about PHP objects and classes follow this link.
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