The bitwise operators are used to evaluate variables value on a bit level, or in other words they are used to compare variables bit by bit.
The bitwise operators are:
- AND (and)
- OR (or)
- XOR (exclusive or)
- NOT (and not)
- SHIFT LEFT (shift bits left)
- SHIFT RIGHT (shift bits right)
The example below shows certain ways of using bitwise operators.
Example with bitwise operators
$a & $b; // (AND) Bits set in both variables will be stored as the result
$a | $b; // (OR) Bits set in either variable will be stored as the result
$a ^ $b; // (XOR) Bits set in $a or $b variable but not in bothw ill be stored as the result
~ $a; // (NOT) Bits not set in $a variable will be stored as the result
$a << $b; // (SHIFT LEFT) Shifts bits in variable $a for $b number of steps to the left, filling empty slots with zeros (each steps means 'multiply by 2')
$a>>< $b; // (SHIFT RIGHT) Shifts bits in variable $a for $b number of steps to the right, filling empty slots with zeros (each steps means 'divide by 2')
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