PHP uses number of integrated functions for conversion of number formats. The list of number converting functions is shown below.
The number format converting functions in PHP:
The number_format() function
The number_format() function is used to format a number grouped by thousands.
Syntax for number_format()
number_format (float $number[,int $decimals = 0]);
The number_format() function has one, two or four parameters. If only one parameter is given, number will be formatted without decimals, but with a comma (",") between every group of thousands. If two parameters are given, number will be formatted with decimals with a dot (".") in front, and a comma (",") between every group of thousands. If all four parameters are given, number will be formatted with decimals, dec_point
instead of a dot (".") before the decimals and thousands_sep
instead of a comma (",") between every group of thousands.
Example with number_format() number converting function
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