XPath uses path expressions to select nodes or node sets in an XML document. An XPath location path has one or more location steps, each separated by ‘/’. The location path can be an absolute path or relative path.
Example of XPath syntax
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dept id="accounts">
Absolute location path begins with the root node
For XML document given, the absolute path is:
Relative location path begins from current folder the path is defined from
For XML document given, the relative path from employee node can be:
Each step is defined as:
- axis-name – is the path between selected nodes and current nodes.
- node-test – is the node within an axis.
- predicate – extract the selected node-set. It can contain literal values, operators and other XPath expressions.
The syntax to access elements, attributes are given in following tutorials.
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