The Text interface contains methods and properties that apply to text content of an element or an attribute.
The nodeType value is 3.
Name | Description |
appendData() | Method that appends data to the end of a text node. |
data | Property that sets or returns the text content. |
deleteData() | Method that deletes data from a text node. |
isElementContentWhitespace | Property that returns TRUE if the text content contains whitespace. |
insertData() | Method that inserts data to a text node. |
length | Property that returns the length of text. |
replaceData() | Method that replaces text in a text node. |
replaceWholeText() | Method that replaces text in the current and adjacent text nodes. |
splitText() | Method that splits current text node into two nodes. |
substringData() | MEthod that gets string data from text node. |
wholeText | Property that returns the text of the current and adjacent text nodes. |
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