MySQL supports a variety of data types to support and store different kind of data and to perform different operations on it.
Supported data types can be majorly categorized into following types:
String Types
String data types are used to store all types of strings, including binary data such as images and files.
Following string types are accepted:
- CHAR: It is used to store fixed number of characters.
- VARCHAR: It is used to store variables length of string.
- BINARY: It is used to store binary strings.
- VARBINARY: It is used to store a variable length binary strength.
- TINYBLOB: It is used to store a very small BLOB (binary large object).
- BLOB: It is used to store large objects with variables amount of data.
- MEDIUMBLOB: It is used to store medium sized BLOBs.
- LONGBLOB: It is used to store large BLOBs.
- TINYTEXT: It is used to store a very small non-binary string.
- TEXT: It is used to store a small non-binary string.
- MEDIUMTEXT: It is used to store medium sized non-binary strings.
- LONGTEXT: It is used to store large non-binary strings.
- ENUM: It stands for an enumeration and it is used to allow assignment of one enumeration member to each column's value.
- SET: It is used to allow assignment of zero or more set members to each column's value.
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