In MySQL clause are used to facilitate work with statements and operates, and make them more versatile.
Here is the list of MySQL clauses:
DEFINER | Defines the user-account that has all privileges when a procedure or a trigger has to be accessed |
ESCAPE | Used in search forms to escape values in given conditions |
FROM | Used to associate columns with desired table in a statement. This is the most commonly used clause. |
GROUP BY | Groups selected data by a given condition. Must appear after FROM and WHERE clauses. |
HAVING | Used to filter out a group of rows or aggregates. It is frequently in combination with GROUP BY clause |
INNER JOIN | Matches rows with same columns from two different tables |
INVOKER | Defines an user-account that calls a specific procedure |
JOIN | Used to combine two or more tables in a single statement or a query which records match the condition |
LEFT JOIN | Matches data from two different tables by finding rows from left table that don't match those from the right table (left one is priority) |
LIMIT | Limits the results of a query to given range (used to search through database) |
ORDER BY | Orders selected data by a given condition. May be ascending or descending. |
[LEFT|RIGHT|FULL] OUTER JOIN | Used to joins tables with records which don't match |
RIGHT JOIN | Matches data from two different tables by finding rows from right table that don't match those from the left table (right one is priority) |
SELECT INTO | Can be used for copying data from a table to variables |
SELF JOIN | Allows a table joined to itself |
SET | Always used with the statement UPDATE to define what the data will be set to |
USING | May be used to set conditions for a query such as executing the using a certain rows or rows |
VALUES | Frequently used with INSERT INTO, and UPDATE statements to flag the values to be inserted or updated |
WHERE | Used frequently with SELECT statement to filter out the data retrieval request, but it may be used with other data querying statements |
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